sabato, aprile 30, 2005


boy came back yesterday. imagine, if you will: innocent girl friday, getting her maths book and whatnot from her backpack, happens to glance up. she feels her heart skip a beat and her breath catch in her throat. whatever could have caused this? what? no! it couldn't be! but it is! er, was. that first glimpse through the glass doors...the first time i'd seen the goober in three weeks, and one of the few times i wasn't looking for him, too! there he sat, cool as a cucumber, sunglasses on, as nonchalantly as if he had been attending school for the past week. i resisted the urge to burst through the doors and leap upon him, instead opting to tear my eyes away and continue to class. methinks his hair is back to natural, that the black has washed out, but don't quote me on that.

turns out he was at this camp bit, being a counselor of some sort. i totally forgot about that...i signed up for it aswell, but did not get called to action. dang it.

giovedì, aprile 28, 2005


not much to report...i made some drawings that are pretty cool (i think).

here's one that i might turn into a character in a web comic, if i ever make one (i've been rather obsessed with them lately). that's a girl, fyi.

here some QC fanart. i think the picture of fae turned out well...marten and dora could use some work.

boy wasn't at school today, again. he's probably on vacation at some exotic locale. silly boy.

mercoledì, aprile 27, 2005

...morose b gone...

ooookay! i'm really super-tired of the emo-y whine that has begun to permeate this blog. that and the news flashes. what started as an effort to make it slightly more interesting bombed with a capital CHICKEN. bwuahahahahaha. i am zee champione.

rae mentioned questionable content in her blog, which, of course, got me i bounced over there. what i found was a hilarious, smart, sweet, totally rad webcomic. of course, it had been going for a while and was now on comic number 346 or some such high number. so i read through 2 years or so of comics in two days, which was positively lovely! i'm now a total QC addict, (which was super-helped by a comic, mid-thru, solely about the insane drummer/accordion player/background vocalist/tambourine man in The Arcade Fire who looks remarkably like Napoleon Dynamite (no relation) and who is my new hero. i'm going to fully add a link button to the sidebar, once i figure out what to do (they don't have any buttons supplied that are the 100x35 size that i have uniformed my buttons to).

i am, as i type, wearing a v. rad, v. brightly colour, and super-sexy t-shirt, sporting none other than the oscar meyer wienermobile! that's right, kids, the merch hath arrived! well, at least my tshirt and prom stuff. it all fits, which is v. v. good. the shirt was so fantastic that i couldn't take it off when i tried 't on. so i'm wearing it (though for temperature reasons it is snug underneath a sweatshirt). and i shall indeed wear it tomorrow. i expect to have worshipping school children falling before me in awe. that includes boy, who (and i say this without the slightest trace of emo whine) has not been attending school lately. 'tis for his best interests (and my stalking heath) that he return immediately. especially so he can see me in my v. neato and sexy tshirt. since he missed my oh-so-awesome faerie outfit on monday. and my rad hat on tuesday. and my super-neato purple tights with the bright blue fishnets over them and my sunbonnet today. he's due for a dose of stalker-oggling. from both sides of the bullet proof glass.

i've been doing some spring-cleaning in my computer...throwing away crap and organizing (ish) non-crap. or at least less-crappy crap. i now have nearly a GB free on my disk. schweet. of course, this is if i trust my computer. which is bonkers. (the computer is, thus the idea of trusting it is also) *shrugs* what-ever.

edit: just looked at this post on the site, and boy, is it ever long! but long in a good way, because it's all original, and semi (i hope) intelligent! schweet.

martedì, aprile 26, 2005 this the end of the brand of beckham?...


FOR DAVID BECKHAM, it is simply the way his foot behaves, as it sends a spinning ball curving past defenders and goalkeepers after one of his set-piece free-kicks. To scientists at Canada’s University of Calgary who developed a new football boot for Beckham, his trademark was a new jargon term: optimal mass distribution.

Optimal mass distribution, marketed as a pioneering characteristic of the Adidas Predator Pulse shoe, means shifting the weight of the boot from the heel to the toe, in order to increase ball velocity by up to three per cent. (A significant amount, for the uninitiated).

But the term also seems a perfect description of England captain David Beckham and his wife, Victoria, as a modern phenomenon. Six years and three children after they married, they remain Britain’s most sought-after couple, be that by A-List party organisers, glossy magazine editors or the celebrity-obsessed British public.

The most talented English footballer of his generation and the arguably less talented songstress were each feted in their own right long before it was rumoured they had fallen in love. But, when they sat down on golden thrones at their wedding breakfast, they became the king and queen of the celebrity circuit in the UK - and further afield. If they had powerful images as individuals, together they became greater than the sum of their parts, and the sponsorship deals rolled in. But is Brand Beckham past its sell-by date?

This week what was once seen as the strongest celebrity marriage took another public knock as the Beckhams’ former nanny, Abbie Gibson, claimed in the News of the World that during her two years inside the Beckham household she witnessed endless rows between the couple. Lawyers for the footballer and his wife launched a legal challenge to stop publication, but, on Saturday evening, High Court Judge Mr Justice Langley ruled that the newspaper could publish. According to the News of the World, its counsel, Richard Spearman, QC, persuaded the judge that its story was "in the clear public interest". As Phil Taylor, one of the newspaper’s reporters, put it to the BBC: "The Beckhams have made millions portraying their relationship as a perfect marriage. Abbie lived in their house for two years and she heard their rows. At Christmas it reached breaking point and she heard David say to her that he wanted to split. What’s clear is that Victoria is madly in love with him, and David hasn’t been feeling the same."

He declined to say how much his newspaper had paid the nanny for her story.

The nanny telling tales is the stuff of every celebrity’s nightmares, but when you have earned millions in sponsorship deals on the strength of your image as a happy family, it is enough to make even your bank manager weep. Whether the Beckhams’ marriage will survive, only they can know. But, in the eyes of some public relations experts, Posh and Becks as a brand is now in its last gasp.

The media obsession began when the couple met in March 1997 - at the height of Victoria’s fame as Posh Spice. It reached new heights at their 1999 wedding at Luttrellstown Castle in Ireland. Cynics guffawed at what they saw as the vulgarity of the occasion - Victoria in a £60,000 Vera Wang dress, a reception costing an estimated £500,000 and a £1 million publication deal with OK! magazine. Yet, they were, in celebrity terms, becoming a modern-day Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Victoria’s pop career might have been heading for decline, but she had a glamorous new role as the fairytale bride of the nation’s most popular footballer.

When her solo album, VB, sold just 50,000 copies, she split from the Virgin label and moved effortlessly into her new incarnation as celebrity mother. Meanwhile, Becks set about becoming a superstar, with a £25 million move from Manchester United to Real Madrid in July 2003. A year earlier, as part of the England team in Japan for the 2002 World Cup, he was mobbed amid the kind of hysteria normally reserved for teen groups. The national icon had clearly gone global.

There were hiccups, most notably claims last year by Rebecca Loos, Beckham’s erstwhile personal assistant in Spain, that she had an affair with the striker. But, publicly, they patched it up, frolicking lovingly on the ski slopes within hours of Loos’ tabloid claims. Brand Beckham survived.

And in a perverse way, the Loos affair could have strengthened the power of Posh and Becks as a marketing man’s dream. It achieved that Holy Grail of celebrity marketing - namely illustrating that they are just like us, people whose relationship suffers ups and downs. We were like them, and so their pulling power for product endorsement held strong.

But now the Beckhams’ home life is in the headlines again, and some marketing experts believe that it will need an awful lot of wallpaper to cover the cracks this time. The News of the World published seven pages of revelations in which their former nanny, Gibson, was quoted as saying: "Their fortune is based on them having a successful marriage. If there wasn’t a commercial interest holding them together, they would be finished." Maybe the judge agreed, but whatever he felt, he allowed Gibson’s comments to be published, a ruling which will send celebrities scuttling to examine their staff-confidentiality clauses.

It was more heartache for the Beckhams, who responded by saying they are consulting lawyers with a view to taking legal action. But what will it mean for their bank balance? Public relations guru Max Clifford - the man who brokered last Sunday’s £300,000 story on behalf of Gibson and who represented Loos - believes the Beckham brand is now potentially vulnerable. Clifford says: "If an important part of that Beckham brand is the ideal family, the happy family, the devoted family, the dedicated family - this, then, is far more damaging than a couple of girls making revelations that they allegedly had affairs with David," he says. "I think that major companies and corporations will look at it, but it depends."

The Beckhams’ own PR machine will now be in overdrive in a bid to keep their clients’ family image as bright as it can be. The Beckhams are represented by Henry’s House PR in London, run by Julian Henry, whose clients include Coca-Cola, Virgin Mobile, Pop Idol, Will Young and Gareth Gates.

Lucy Barrett, the deputy editor of Marketing Week magazine, believes Henry’s House will have its work cut out if Brand Beckham is to continue to thrive. "Sponsorship deals can be affected if a company has particular values or if consistent bad behaviour starts to make the shareholders unhappy," she says. "In the case of David Beckham, people are buying into Beckham as a father and as a family man, so there could be problems."

Leading PR man Mark Borkowski, whose clients include Vodafone, Peugeot and Virgin Megastores, is more optimistic for Posh and Becks. He believes that if the Beckhams play it right, the nanny’s revelations could help them. "Most people would understand that a nanny in a home is a position of trust, and that trust has been broken here."

But one of the key factors in the survival of Brand Beckham is that celebrity status is, by definition, a relative thing. The Beckhams might not be as attractive as they once were, but they might still be the sponsors’ choice if they can remain the best footballer-and-glamour-girl brand around.

Cue Wayne Rooney, the 19-year-old Manchester United and England star and his fiancee, Coleen McLoughlin, who, in recent weeks, have, in one way, eclipsed the Beckhams as the premier couple of the moment. Coleen and Wayne are a tabloid editor’s dream - a teenage prodigy on ludicrous earnings, paying for the shopaholic tendencies of his ‘down-to-earth’ girlfriend.

Until recently, the tabloids tended to run formulaic images of Coleen staggering from department stores laden with designer-label shopping. But that image was tempered by carefully-placed stories underlining the couple’s ordinariness, even though the Liverpool teenager is paid £1 million a year by Coca Cola and has a long-term £5 million deal with Nike. At last, the marketing men were heard to whisper aloud, a new Posh and Becks, with extra Chav appeal.

As if to reinforce their credentials, just last week the couple were snapped in a McDonald’s restaurant in Liverpool, shortly after Coleen revealed how she and Wayne favoured takeaways rather than expensive restaurants.

This Everyman image was becoming common newspaper currency until the Sun ran a story claiming Rooney had slapped his girlfriend in a nightclub - a claim the couple strenuously deny. The couple’s PR, Ian Monk Associates, reacted by employing Schillings - one of the legal companies most feared by Fleet Street - to begin proceedings against the Sun. Thus far, the publicity has not affected Rooney’s sponsorship deals. But next time the marketing men are looking for wholesome, will they turn to Wayne and Coleen?

Or will they go in search of Brand Beckham, which may be looking a little more battered than it used to, but still shimmers by default?

...becks exceles despite off-field rumors...

David Beckham's private life may be the stealing the headlines in England but his performances on the pitch are earning plaudits in Spain.

The Real Madrid midfielder has been in impressive form in recent weeks, following up his man-of-the-match display against Barcelona with another powerful showing in the 2-1 win against Villarreal on Saturday night.

The England captain has been restored to the right side of midfield by coach Wanderley Luxemburgo and the Madrid media have been hugely satisfied with the results.

Diario AS wrote: "David Beckham is convincing everyone. On Saturday against Villarreal he played his most complete game of the season.

"He motivated his team-mates to make them believe in the fightback and took part in the majority of Madrid's moves going forward."

Marca added: "He stood up to be counted despite back problems.

"He played using pain killers against Valencia a few games ago and still has problems."

With Madrid trailing 1-0 to a penalty from Villarreal's Argentinian international Juan Roman Riquelme and needing a win to keep their title hopes alive, it was Beckham who took the game by the scruff of the neck.

With some of his companions looking as if they thought the league was a lost cause, Beckham went into overdrive, dropping back to pick the ball up deep, starting the moves and driving forward powerfully.

He put 15 dangerous crosses into the box and though it was eventually Zinedine Zidane who won the plaudits for his cameo run and cross to set up Ronaldo to score Madrid's equaliser, Beckham's work did not go unnoticed.

Michel Salgado popped up with the winner for a Madrid side who finished the game with nine men following the dismissals of Zidane and Walter Samuel.


...becks exceles despite off-field rumors...

David Beckham's private life may be the stealing the headlines in England but his performances on the pitch are earning plaudits in Spain.

The Real Madrid midfielder has been in impressive form in recent weeks, following up his man-of-the-match display against Barcelona with another powerful showing in the 2-1 win against Villarreal on Saturday night.

The England captain has been restored to the right side of midfield by coach Wanderley Luxemburgo and the Madrid media have been hugely satisfied with the results.

Diario AS wrote: "David Beckham is convincing everyone. On Saturday against Villarreal he played his most complete game of the season.

"He motivated his team-mates to make them believe in the fightback and took part in the majority of Madrid's moves going forward."

Marca added: "He stood up to be counted despite back problems.

"He played using pain killers against Valencia a few games ago and still has problems."

With Madrid trailing 1-0 to a penalty from Villarreal's Argentinian international Juan Roman Riquelme and needing a win to keep their title hopes alive, it was Beckham who took the game by the scruff of the neck.

With some of his companions looking as if they thought the league was a lost cause, Beckham went into overdrive, dropping back to pick the ball up deep, starting the moves and driving forward powerfully.

He put 15 dangerous crosses into the box and though it was eventually Zinedine Zidane who won the plaudits for his cameo run and cross to set up Ronaldo to score Madrid's equaliser, Beckham's work did not go unnoticed.

Michel Salgado popped up with the winner for a Madrid side who finished the game with nine men following the dismissals of Zidane and Walter Samuel.


lunedì, aprile 25, 2005


American actor ELIJAH WOOD was determined to star in new movie HOOLIGANS after he fell in love with the passionate atmosphere at English soccer matches.

The diminutive LORD OF THE RINGS star was astounded when he first experienced the heated nature of Britain's favourite sport, because he had grown up in the company of more relaxed American baseball and American football crowds.

In the movie Wood stars as a young American who befriends a gang of violent soccer hooligans when he drops out of college and moves to London.

He says, "It's fascinating, something very different from anything I've ever done. Sport's big in the States but I've been to three or four (English soccer) matches and I've never felt that kind of energy in the crowd before.

"I didn't see any actual violence, but it was definitely in the air. It was infectious, you could feel it."

And director LEXI ALEXANDER is indebted to his star for securing financial backing for his controversial project.

He says, "The fact that somebody like Elijah sat down with the potential financiers and said, 'OK, we have to do this...' My God!"

25/04/2005 13:55


...naughty secretary club...

whenever you may find yourself with a disturbing lack of fantastic jewellry and other accessories to add flavour, spice, and character to your daily life, take a gander over to...

there you shall find a plethora of gorgeous goodies, with fun names and highly entertaining descriptions. my personal favourite line is the Revamped Vintage, made from collected bits of decades past. oodles of chunky necklaces, crazy bracelets, rockin' rings, gorgeous earrings and beautiful brooches to make any rad beans girl shiver with glee and the insane glory of it all. though the prices can be a bit steep, they are in no way overpriced, and are worth every penny (if you have it). even though most pieces are one of a kind, if you want to save up for something, there's sure to be a new eye (and mind) boggling bangle (or purse, or magnet, or belt buckle, or...) that will strike your fancy.

my current favourite (though it's way out of my price range...but a girl can dream) is the cha cha bracelet ($215)

of course, i just had to fall in love with one of (i believe) the most expensive items on the site. (most of the bracelets are $20-40, the necklaces somewhat more...very reasonable prices for such exciting, unique pieces).

happy hunting! *wanders off to ponder strategies for persuading the ladies at NSC to sell duct tape bags a lá stalker...*

...the emperor hath clothes...

i'm going to be pimpin' this most excellent tshirt in the very near future:

along with all the sweet clothes i ordered, including the prom outfit that i wanted (minus boots and hair). i'm pretty excited...the wienermobile is my flipping hero, and that tshirt will rock the very foundations of my world.

the only reason why i wanted to return to school (boy) was a no show. that's frustrating. i miss the sucker. (by the by, boy's (ex?)girlfriend is back from the ends of the earth. as rad as i think she is, i can't say that fact makes me supremely happy.)

ballet was was just me and one other girl, so it was like a private lesson. v. cool. i did the splits (on my right side) and at least three double pirouettes (in a combonation, without losing stride!) which i found to be rather cool and amazing. so i haven't totally failed and lost all of everything over the two weeks of extreme laziness that have been inbetween today and my last class. (though, come to think of it, only last week was laziness. surfing was not.)

domenica, aprile 24, 2005

...the coolness of idaho...

i always knew idaho was cool...and here is yet another reason why.

Any members of the House of Representatives or the Senate of the Legislature of the State of Idaho who choose to vote "Nay" on this concurrent resolution are "FREAKIN' IDIOTS!" and run the risk of having the "Worst Day of Their Lives!"

tots, anyone?

...the trials of being a famous footballer (becks) and a former spice girl (posh)...

Beckham defeat deals blow to privacy of celebrities
By Joshua Rozenberg, Legal Editor
(Filed: 25/04/2005)

David and Victoria Beckham failed to prevent a newspaper from publishing allegations about their marriage yesterday, demonstrating the difficulties that high-profile public figures now have in obtaining injunctions to protect their privacy.

The News of the World claimed that the couple had come close to "breaking point" and that David Beckham had enjoyed a sexual relationship with Danielle Heath, 23, his wife's former beautician. Its reports were based on allegations by Abbie Gibson, 27, who previously worked for the couple as their children's nanny.

On Saturday night, the Beckhams asked the High Court duty judge, Mr Justice Langley, for an injunction to prevent publication of Miss Gibson's claims, arguing that she had broken a confidentiality agreement that she had signed.

The injunction was refused, although the judge would not have made a final ruling on whether Miss Gibson had breached her duty of confidence. According to the News of the World, its counsel, Richard Spearman, QC, persuaded the judge that its story was "in the clear public interest".

Asked yesterday how this could be so, Phil Taylor, one of the newspaper's reporters, told BBC Radio Five Live: "The Beckhams have made millions portraying their relationship as a perfect marriage.

"Abbie lived in their house for two years and she heard their rows. At Christmas it reached breaking point and she heard David say to her that he wanted to split. What's clear is that Victoria is madly in love with him ... and David hasn't been feeling the same." He declined to say how much his newspaper had paid the nanny for her story.

Under the law of confidence, which has been developed by the courts to protect personal privacy, newspapers are allowed to publish confidential information in the public interest.

Because Naomi Campbell, the model, had lied about her addiction to drugs, she had to accept that it was in the public interest for the Daily Mirror to reveal the fact of her addiction and therapy in 2001. Where the newspaper went too far, according to the law lords last year, was in publishing further details and photographs.

Despite Saturday's ruling, which is not a binding precedent, employers will still be able to obtain court orders against former staff to stop them spilling the beans. But the courts see a greater public interest in protecting the privacy of impressionable children than in allowing celebrities to keep sexual indiscretions out of the press.

The News of the World is likely to have relied heavily on a ruling by the Court of Appeal in a case brought against another Sunday newspaper by another footballer, Garry Flitcroft of Blackburn Rovers. His affairs with two women were in the public domain but not, for nearly a year, his identity. A judge had granted an injunction against The People, ordering the press not to name him.

Allowing the newspaper's appeal in 2002, Lord Woolf, the Lord Chief Justice, said: "It is not self-evident that how a Premiership football player, who has a position of responsibility within his club, chooses to spend his time off the football field does not have a modicum of public interest.

"Footballers are role models for young people and undesirable behaviour on their part can set an unfortunate example."

Public figures should expect their actions to be scrutinised by the media, Lord Woolf added. The Court of Appeal stressed that it was for the person seeking an injunction to prove that interference with press freedom was in the public interest.

from the telegraph via google news

sabato, aprile 23, 2005

...don't listen to the voices...

just a quick note before it's off to bed for ye olde stalker: don't ever listen to anyone who says that the Gimp is a perfectly respectable alternative to photoshop. they're either on crack or just trying to fuck with you. in short, it isn't. if gimp were a man, i'd rip his genitals out, hartigan style. fucking asshole of a program. why oh why is photoshop so fucking expensive? 'night.


elijah wood fan network (ewfn for all you slow people) is back online.

listening to: weezer "beverly hills"...thought it was green day...*blushes* yep, that's me, first class idiota.

i'm struggling with hair dye issues. the dye that i used (the blue black) sucked ass. it looked good for the first, oh, day and a half, but it runs in water (think black streaks down my face after surfing), and washes out with my shampoo. so basically i have a sort of skunky hair, black, brown, and blue. phowar.

i'm thinking of using manic panic brand for my next adventures—i know that it works. so i was going to use raven (jet black) for prom, and, depending how that works, as it starts to fade, either redye with that or bleach out and try another colour. *shrugs* we'll see.

...all things must fade...

yet another vacation gone by and not a speck of work done. fuck. *runs around screaming like a chicken with its head cut off* why oh why oh why do my grand plans for up-catching never come to pass? it's because you're a fucking burn out slacker, that's why. oh, right.

report card: A, A, A, I(ncomplete), C. psht. the I is because i didn't turn in a crucial folder (containing all english work 'till present), and the C is because maths is bullshit. m'lovely mum has decided that it would be prudent to meet with my maths teacher and discuss my lack of doneosity. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. *sighs* ah, well...

basically a raging "FUCK YOU" of an error notice. that and "hahahahaha you have to start your italian lesson over, you sorry bastard!". but hey, at least they apologised. which is more than they usually do. update: turns out dad disconnected the internet, thus rendering my connection non-existent, instead of my computer just being an asshole, which is generally the case.

i don't cavort with the children of the devil, and i'm not trying to make little tadpoles, i'm just trying to do my homework. *groans*

...boy says school's makeup rule discriminates...

April 17, 2005, 12:21PM

Boy says school's makeup rule discriminates

Associated Press

SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. - A ninth-grade student has accused officials at a Southern California high school of discrimination for suspending him for wearing lipstick and eye makeup.

James Herndon, 16, said the five-day suspension imposed last week by administrators at San Bernardino's Pacific High School was unfair because females are allowed to wear cosmetics on campus.

"If I can't wear makeup," he said, "then the girls or the staff can't wear makeup."

Herndon says his black lipstick and red eye makeup express the Wiccan religious beliefs he shares with his mother, a priestess in the pagan faith. The suspension violates his constitutional right to free expression, he contends.

Linda Hill, spokeswoman for the San Bernardino City Unified School District, declined to comment on the case, citing student confidentiality laws.

She said, however, that students shouldn't wear excessive makeup or clothing that could conceal their identity or be distracting to other students, a prohibition applied to male and female students alike.

Herndon, who is repeating his second year at the school, has worn makeup since he enrolled, according to his mother, Valerie Wallace.

Herndon plans to wear the makeup when he returns to school this week.

"My son shouldn't change the way he is," Wallace said.

lifted from the Houston Chronicle

...gunman cited for putting car out of its misery...

April 20, 2005, 2:01PM

Gunman cited for putting car out of its misery

Associated Press

LAUDERDALE-BY-THE-SEA, Fla. — A man with car trouble is in trouble after shooting five rounds into the hood of his Chrysler "to put my car out of its misery."

John McGivney, 64, shot his 1994 LeBaron with a .380-caliber semiautomatic, Broward County sheriff's deputies said.

When the property manager at his apartment complex asked what he was doing, McGivney said, "I'm putting my car out of its misery." He tucked his gun in a pocket and went back inside.

He was arrested Friday on a misdemeanor charge of discharging a firearm in public. He posted $100 bail Saturday.

McGivney said the car has been giving him trouble for years and had "outlived its usefulness." He called the shooting "dumb" and worries he will be evicted. But he doesn't regret it.

"I think every guy in the universe has wanted to do it," McGivney told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. "It was worth every damn minute in that jail."

lifed from the the Houston Chronicle

...wienermobile rolls out for little oscar's funeral...

April 20, 2005, 2:07PM

Wienermobile rolls out for Little Oscar's funeral

Associated Press

MERRILLVILLE, Ind. — When mourners began singing "Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener" during George Molchan's funeral, they meant no disrespect.

Molchan, who died Tuesday at 82, portrayed the meat processor's spokesman, Little Oscar, for more than three decades, traveling from town to town in the company's Wienermobile to appear in parades and supermarkets.

The 27-foot-long Oscar Mayer Wienermobile was parked Saturday near Molchan's grave at a cemetery in Merrillville, drawing smiles from dozens attending his memorial.

Before priests said the final prayers over Molchan's casket, about 50 mourners sang a chorus of the Oscar Mayer jingle and then blew short blasts on miniature, hot dog-shaped whistles.

Molchan was a bookkeeper for Pepsi Cola Co. when "Wizard of Oz" munchkin actor Meinhardt Raabe convinced him to try out for the role of Little Oscar, according to Molchan's brother, Elmer.

The character was created in the 1930s by company founder Oscar Mayer to help market its products. Molchan played Little Oscar with relish for 36 years.

"He was just a terrific guy. He's the uncle you always wanted," said Bruno Lis, who is married to Molchan's niece.

lifted from The Houston Chronicle

...peanuts and pickles make good ammunition...

i'm sitting online, waiting for my buddy to come back from idle-ness. oh, how interesting my life is.

the sidebar is looking better and better by the minute! (be sure to note the uniform size of the buttons, the re-done myspace, food court, slashgoth, and bonzai kitten, aswell as the newly added contact and ewfn buttons.) feel free to worship me as much as you like. and click away! note: ewfn is down because of unknown technical difficulties, but you can hang out in the chat room. and be sure to visit when it's back online, i'll keep you updated.

yay! buddy's online! *scampers off to chat up a storm*

venerdì, aprile 22, 2005

...*repeated obscenities*...

mum has just dropped the bomb. the "we need to talk about your report card" bomb. oh shit oh shit oh shit. this is where i get to try to talk my way out of groundation for life. and afterlife. oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. *falls over* dinner time. then discussion time. then "hello, room!" time. i hate fucking school.

...another ttiwicd...

i wish i could put google ads on my site. yes, i know that i have, like, 2 visitors to the site ever (me), but still...the only problem is you're supposed to be 18 to register. and i'm...not. i should ask rae at raebackwards how she does it...not that i normally have any qualms about lying about my age, but money's involved. poop. i'm really bored and stupid. so i'm going to shut up now.

...things that i wish i could do...

i really, really, really, really wish that i could get in line, along with hundreds of other nerds, waiting for starwars to open. i bet my school would sign off on it, too. now, all i need is parental consent...(not to mention transportation)...*asks*

they said no. grrrr.....*belches*

giovedì, aprile 21, 2005


i created a deviantart account simply perche i had to get access to a perfectly lovely piece of art. but, now that i have the devil, i may indeed put up some of my fantastically wonderful art. oh, wait, i don't have any. that could be a problem. perhaps i'll put up some picture that people take of me, if they take any decent ones. *shrugs* whatever.

when this site (blogger...where i can post/edit) was down for matinence (FOR THREE HOURS!!) i near went bonkers. but now it's back, and all i have to post is rubbish. oh well, that's what this site was built on.

...updates are for weenies...

and it's a darn good thing that i'm one!

made some updates on the site...mainly the header, profile picture, and a new link me button. (it's in the sidebar). if you have a button link to this site (bless you), please update it to the new one.

god, i love billy boyd.

...on jumping seven pants sizes...

ugh. i went shopping day before yesterday, picked up a couple of pairs of pants. they were size 7/8! jesus. the pants i'm wearing now (and have been wearing for a while) are size 1. woohoo, talk about feeling fat! *decides not to eat so bloody much* thank gawd i start ballet again on monday. *ponders the idea of trying some of the seventeen workout things aswell* good idea, stalker! oh yeah, i have a new york city ballet workout dvd...maybe it's time i dropped my inhibitions and just did the blasted thing.

frustrated love,
the ever-round,

mercoledì, aprile 20, 2005

...moving pictures...

movies i've seen recently (rated on a scale from good to excellent):

gone with the wind - good
beauty shop - very good
sin city - excellent
robots - good
star wars: episode iv: a new hope - excellent
benny & joon - very good/excellent
downfall - very good

*bows* this post will perhaps be followed by more indepth reviews, but you know me. ish. so let's not kid ourselves. this is probably where the ball will stop.

lunedì, aprile 18, 2005

...another pity party...

i miss boy. *collapses with need* not that i have him even when i'm around him, but at least i can look at him.

i dreamt that he asked me to prom.

unless i'm hallucinating, his girlfriend (ex?) is back from timbuktu. fuck. not like i had a chance with him anyways. urch.

d'you reckon i could convince mum to let me do independent study high school next year? i didn't think so either.

er, yeah.


i came. i surfed. i conquered.

i'll write more about that later. ish.

i have an ortho appointment. i've barely worn my headgear/rubberbands. my teeth are messed up. fuck it.

sabato, aprile 09, 2005


no, i'm not talking about when you get old and wrinkly and all your head hair turns gray and falls out and you grow loads of ear hair and your teeth fall out and you can't hear worth a hot diggity damn. i'm talking about a super-rad swedish band (we know all about them swedes, don't we?) here's the lowdown (jacked from their myspace) :

Middleage, a top unsigned band from Stockholm, Sweden! Their music is a bit hard to categorize but they usually call it "Funk Grunge Rock" (listen to it and categorize it by yourselves) Middleage are 4 young boys (all 18-19 years old) who love music! The three songs they got here are from their latest EP "Hungry Needs" These three songs represents Middleage musicstyle perfect! Please feel free to express yourselves about their music!

Want to contact the band? or buy their new EP "Hungry Needs" (with 7songs) ? email or call them: By e-mail: by phone: +46(0)735073038 more info: Peace.

^click the picture of those crazy kids to go to their myspace^

^click the banner to go to their website^

they rock, love them....i'll post more aboot them later...maybe...i just realised that i don't think i've ever written more on all the posts that say "i'll write more later". bloody hell.


i know i haven't been updating lately. well FUCK YOU. i haven't felt like it. life was crazy because of the play, and now that's over, well, i just haven't felt like doing much. i'm leaving for surfing tomorrow. i may post between now and then. i may not. i'll probably post when i get back, since it'll be spring break. but who knows. just letting you know that i have in no way abandoned this bloddy thing.