venerdì, agosto 11, 2006

...broken windows...

i hate windows. the fact that i have to lie and cheat my way into but a second of internet time means that right now i am connected to the internet via a windows laptop. gross. and it keeps messing up and quitting internet explorer whenever i try to do anything on myspace. ::sigh::

i've been spending most of my blogging time lately (which is really my homework time...ihavetodoitihavetodoitihavetodoit) working on this, and the accompanying myspace. there will eventually also be a wordpress, a vox, (these are in their fetus stage), a flickr, and perhaps a cafepress store/paypal donate button. a page is in existance but i don't have the link on me.

and my battery is about to die, so goodnight.

pondering the futility of her existence,
lady electron