sabato, aprile 09, 2005


no, i'm not talking about when you get old and wrinkly and all your head hair turns gray and falls out and you grow loads of ear hair and your teeth fall out and you can't hear worth a hot diggity damn. i'm talking about a super-rad swedish band (we know all about them swedes, don't we?) here's the lowdown (jacked from their myspace) :

Middleage, a top unsigned band from Stockholm, Sweden! Their music is a bit hard to categorize but they usually call it "Funk Grunge Rock" (listen to it and categorize it by yourselves) Middleage are 4 young boys (all 18-19 years old) who love music! The three songs they got here are from their latest EP "Hungry Needs" These three songs represents Middleage musicstyle perfect! Please feel free to express yourselves about their music!

Want to contact the band? or buy their new EP "Hungry Needs" (with 7songs) ? email or call them: By e-mail: by phone: +46(0)735073038 more info: Peace.

^click the picture of those crazy kids to go to their myspace^

^click the banner to go to their website^

they rock, love them....i'll post more aboot them later...maybe...i just realised that i don't think i've ever written more on all the posts that say "i'll write more later". bloody hell.