lunedì, aprile 25, 2005

...the emperor hath clothes...

i'm going to be pimpin' this most excellent tshirt in the very near future:

along with all the sweet clothes i ordered, including the prom outfit that i wanted (minus boots and hair). i'm pretty excited...the wienermobile is my flipping hero, and that tshirt will rock the very foundations of my world.

the only reason why i wanted to return to school (boy) was a no show. that's frustrating. i miss the sucker. (by the by, boy's (ex?)girlfriend is back from the ends of the earth. as rad as i think she is, i can't say that fact makes me supremely happy.)

ballet was was just me and one other girl, so it was like a private lesson. v. cool. i did the splits (on my right side) and at least three double pirouettes (in a combonation, without losing stride!) which i found to be rather cool and amazing. so i haven't totally failed and lost all of everything over the two weeks of extreme laziness that have been inbetween today and my last class. (though, come to think of it, only last week was laziness. surfing was not.)