sabato, aprile 30, 2005


boy came back yesterday. imagine, if you will: innocent girl friday, getting her maths book and whatnot from her backpack, happens to glance up. she feels her heart skip a beat and her breath catch in her throat. whatever could have caused this? what? no! it couldn't be! but it is! er, was. that first glimpse through the glass doors...the first time i'd seen the goober in three weeks, and one of the few times i wasn't looking for him, too! there he sat, cool as a cucumber, sunglasses on, as nonchalantly as if he had been attending school for the past week. i resisted the urge to burst through the doors and leap upon him, instead opting to tear my eyes away and continue to class. methinks his hair is back to natural, that the black has washed out, but don't quote me on that.

turns out he was at this camp bit, being a counselor of some sort. i totally forgot about that...i signed up for it aswell, but did not get called to action. dang it.