sabato, aprile 23, 2005

...all things must fade...

yet another vacation gone by and not a speck of work done. fuck. *runs around screaming like a chicken with its head cut off* why oh why oh why do my grand plans for up-catching never come to pass? it's because you're a fucking burn out slacker, that's why. oh, right.

report card: A, A, A, I(ncomplete), C. psht. the I is because i didn't turn in a crucial folder (containing all english work 'till present), and the C is because maths is bullshit. m'lovely mum has decided that it would be prudent to meet with my maths teacher and discuss my lack of doneosity. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. *sighs* ah, well...

basically a raging "FUCK YOU" of an error notice. that and "hahahahaha you have to start your italian lesson over, you sorry bastard!". but hey, at least they apologised. which is more than they usually do. update: turns out dad disconnected the internet, thus rendering my connection non-existent, instead of my computer just being an asshole, which is generally the case.

i don't cavort with the children of the devil, and i'm not trying to make little tadpoles, i'm just trying to do my homework. *groans*