mercoledì, aprile 27, 2005

...morose b gone...

ooookay! i'm really super-tired of the emo-y whine that has begun to permeate this blog. that and the news flashes. what started as an effort to make it slightly more interesting bombed with a capital CHICKEN. bwuahahahahaha. i am zee champione.

rae mentioned questionable content in her blog, which, of course, got me i bounced over there. what i found was a hilarious, smart, sweet, totally rad webcomic. of course, it had been going for a while and was now on comic number 346 or some such high number. so i read through 2 years or so of comics in two days, which was positively lovely! i'm now a total QC addict, (which was super-helped by a comic, mid-thru, solely about the insane drummer/accordion player/background vocalist/tambourine man in The Arcade Fire who looks remarkably like Napoleon Dynamite (no relation) and who is my new hero. i'm going to fully add a link button to the sidebar, once i figure out what to do (they don't have any buttons supplied that are the 100x35 size that i have uniformed my buttons to).

i am, as i type, wearing a v. rad, v. brightly colour, and super-sexy t-shirt, sporting none other than the oscar meyer wienermobile! that's right, kids, the merch hath arrived! well, at least my tshirt and prom stuff. it all fits, which is v. v. good. the shirt was so fantastic that i couldn't take it off when i tried 't on. so i'm wearing it (though for temperature reasons it is snug underneath a sweatshirt). and i shall indeed wear it tomorrow. i expect to have worshipping school children falling before me in awe. that includes boy, who (and i say this without the slightest trace of emo whine) has not been attending school lately. 'tis for his best interests (and my stalking heath) that he return immediately. especially so he can see me in my v. neato and sexy tshirt. since he missed my oh-so-awesome faerie outfit on monday. and my rad hat on tuesday. and my super-neato purple tights with the bright blue fishnets over them and my sunbonnet today. he's due for a dose of stalker-oggling. from both sides of the bullet proof glass.

i've been doing some spring-cleaning in my computer...throwing away crap and organizing (ish) non-crap. or at least less-crappy crap. i now have nearly a GB free on my disk. schweet. of course, this is if i trust my computer. which is bonkers. (the computer is, thus the idea of trusting it is also) *shrugs* what-ever.

edit: just looked at this post on the site, and boy, is it ever long! but long in a good way, because it's all original, and semi (i hope) intelligent! schweet.