sabato, aprile 23, 2005

...peanuts and pickles make good ammunition...

i'm sitting online, waiting for my buddy to come back from idle-ness. oh, how interesting my life is.

the sidebar is looking better and better by the minute! (be sure to note the uniform size of the buttons, the re-done myspace, food court, slashgoth, and bonzai kitten, aswell as the newly added contact and ewfn buttons.) feel free to worship me as much as you like. and click away! note: ewfn is down because of unknown technical difficulties, but you can hang out in the chat room. and be sure to visit when it's back online, i'll keep you updated.

yay! buddy's online! *scampers off to chat up a storm*


Anonymous Anonimo said...

What a boring blog - if this is the best you can do i suggest you take up self-harming (or some other goth pastime). Yawn, goths died off in the early 1980s why don't you find something orginal to do/say?

8:49 AM  
Blogger teenage faerie said...

well, what did you expect at 12:41 am? *bows* glad to know you're reading, even if you do think i'm an idiot. the feeling's mutual. if you had read more than just that one post, you much have realised that, while most of what i post is silly, i am capable of turning out good material. so shove that up your pretentious arse. and if all the goths died off in the early '80s, why is there such a large, worldwide goth scene?

keep the comments coming!

12:22 PM  

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