martedì, aprile 18, 2006

...a weighty matter...

i keep gaining weight. it's because i'm overeating [especially chocolate, and other fatty foods], and sitting on my ass all day. i do have a high metabolism, so extra calories don't do as much damage as they might another person, but constant overload is causing my thighs, hips, and stomach to expand like balloons. it's gross. so i think i'm going to finish off my easter chocolate [not a difficult task], and switch frozen peas [maybe blueberries, as well?] for my other higher calorie and lower nutritional value snacks. with some exercise [excuse me while i laugh at the thought] and trying to keep my lenten pledge of no soda [even though it ended, i slipped up a few times. i must make that right], i should be able to get back into slimness. hopefully. dammit i wish i had the self control to be anorexic. i'm pretty much done growing [though there's always hope. hope!] so it wouldn't do as much damage as if i, were, say, 12. i read an interview with portia di rossi [you know, the gorgeous lindsay bluthe fünke from arrested development] in vogue, and she said she was down to 300 calories a day while she was on ally mcbeal or whatever. 300! how do you do that??? i eat 300 calories for snack!! i could learn from this woman.

wishing for loose jeans,