giovedì, aprile 06, 2006

...suicidal tendencies...

a boy who i grew up with killed himself yesterday. i can hardly believe it. i didn't know him well, but he was still a part of my life. it feels like someone is squeezing my heart and it is hard to breathe.

this is the second teenage suicide in my area in only a few's really heartbreaking. i don't live in a highly populated area, either. one of them went to the school up the hill from mine, and yesterday's was on independent study [through that high school]. jesus. any ideas of suicide have pretty much flown from my mind now...i haven't thought about it [for me] for a while now, but after seeing and going through the aftermath twice now, i really don't think i could do that to those around me. not that anyone cares enough about me to be really bothered.

but goddammit why do these things happen???

trying desperately not to cry,