venerdì, febbraio 17, 2006

...happy [fucking] valentime's day...

how like me to post about valentime's day on the 17th. heh heh heh. anyways:

i am so over people who "hate valentine's day" and are all bitter and whatnot and complain about how it sucks if you are single. it's what you make of it, people. i've been single on valentime's day for my whole life, but i still adore it. i paint molded cookies and rip off drugstore valentime's for my friends, and eat chocolate, say "happy valentime's day, i love you!" to everyone, and give a million hugs. it makes me feel so loved when people hug me back, and say "i love you". i don't know, maybe i just am addicted to love. but i like valentime's day. and i call it valentime's day. biotch.