giovedì, aprile 06, 2006

...i didn't think that it would hurt so much...

okay, you know what i said about failing, and wanting someone to acknowledge it? well, someone did. in a roundabout way. i stayed after school for a SAT Timed Writing Prep Workshop [isn't that studious of me??], and therefore had to endure an hour and a half drive home. with my mother. she decided to take this oppourtunity to reiterate her point that you have to get good grades in college. i quote: "you know how at the info sessions, someone would ask 'is it better to take easier classes and get good grades, or take harder classes and get not so good grades?', and they said 'take the harder classes and get good grades'". there was more but i really don't have time to type it now...maybe if i'm on later.

annoyedly yours,