martedì, aprile 18, 2006

...hang ups...

why are people so hung up labeling people, and then deciding whether or not they like them, based on the label they've applied? and i'm not talking GOTH EMO PREP ZOMG!!! i mean like gay straight bi fag lesbian whatever. i consider myself a straight girl, sure, why not. but i can still be attracted by girls, right? 'cause some girls are hot. some aren't. the same can be said about dudes. it's not like i'm going to do anything with either i like to think of myself perched here for now...a girl who likes boys. it's normal, it's me, whatever. but if something better comes along, then i'll move. i'm flexible. because for all the cynicism and jadedness, i still believe in true love. sure, it may be hard to find, and a lot of things [including my favourite sin, lust] dress up in pretty clothes and pretend to be it, but true love still exists. and if my true love comes along, and it doesn't fit exactly into the form i've made for it [though i am still holding onto my dream of marrying my orlando], i'm not going to let it pass me by because of some idiotic label i, or anyone, have affixed to myself. i'm not that stupid.

[on another note, i can't believe that i wrote "clean teeth are where it's out" instead of "clean teeth are where it's at" and didn't notice it until now. gah, i am such a tool. but seriously, kids, clean teeth are where it's at. so "brush 'em while you got 'em", as ye olde wavy gravy says.

buying a cell phone,