domenica, marzo 13, 2005

...dumping ground...

sorry i haven't posted in ages...i keep meaning to, but then my time's up and i haven't written a word.

i dyed my hair. i think it looks but slightly purple (especially in the sun). everyone else says it looks good (i've got loads of complements) too! but me dang mum...she didn't notice the first morning, and i don't know if she would have noticed, had my friend asked "did you dye your hair?" and blah dee blah in the car on the way home on friday afternoon. and since then she's made all sorts of stupid comments about it. when i said something about it meaning to be black, she responded with, "well it's purple" in a "you fucked up" tone. "it looks weird, doesn't it?" and "how long is this going to last?" (a yank on my ponytail on the "this") are a couple of her gems. i don't know what her deal is, it's my hair, i was the one who stood growing it out this long. so fuck it, i can do whatever i want with it. and anyways, she's just made me more determined to dye it more permanently. (though still temporary). my next plan of action (once this washes out): Manic Panic, Raven.

i was so excited about dying my hair and the toe shoes and whatnot, that i woke up at 3:00 on thursday morning. 1 hour ahead of my alarm clock and 2 hours earlier than normal. but it ended up working perfectly.

i have the ugliest prom dress in the world. i hate that little bastard sooooo much. but i'm too much of a bitch to tell my mom. she was going to alter it, or something, so it would fit better, so i need to tell her before then. but i super-hate that sucker.

i wish i could move out. just pack all o' my crap and go somewhere else. i could stay in this town, just get out of this house. i love the house, no doubt, just can't stand the fucking people in it. dude, i know you read this)...just can't fucking stand them ANY MORE. augh! the only thing that's keeping me here (except legal issues and that) is my physical stuff. if i could just stick that in bags, i'm outta here.

i went to the doctor 'cause my toe was hurting really badly. bad idea. all i got was a "don't dance on it, soak it three times a day and wear this lame-ass shoe". pssht. as if. let's see, i'm going to ballet on monday, soaking once in a blue moon, and the shoe is somewhere on the floor of my room.

i'm sure there's more to say, but, lucky you, i've plumb forgot it.