martedì, marzo 01, 2005

...things that scream...

that would be me. AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!! so many things are making me do this:

play. 24 days 'till opening night. and i am a big fat ball of "OH FUCK!!!" because, wow, i am so not ready. ah! ah! ah! ah!! hopefully we'll get the damn thing together. no, we will. we will. oh, guess what? MY PLAY'S FIRST!! that's right, make the froshy stick her neck out. damn. good side to playosity: boy is lightboy. meaning, i have to talk to him. without sounding like a complete idiot. shit.

wool. the goddamned wool that i got from a friend (to supplement the shrinking supply mum had), dyed up real nice, but is a bitch to card. but that's not the bad part: THE FUCKING STUFF WON"T SPIN!! it breaks, comes apart, doesn't work, and IS SPELLING "DOOM" TO MY PROJECT in flashing, flourescent, purple CAPITAL letters. gah!

space. or, lack of space, as i should say. i'm very nearly out of space on my computer! i have a great music collection, (1289 songs, 90 or so only recently acquired from boy, via brother.), but GODDAMN IT IT'S TAKING UP MY WHOLE HARDDRIVE!! i'm going to have to move things around (on to cds and whatnot) because I AM DYIN!!!

so yeah, that's what makes me scream.