lunedì, maggio 22, 2006 many times will they call your name...

may 21

this was my prom night:

i got to my friend's house (who i was staying the night at) a little late, and her sister opened the door with the information that boy would be there in, like, 10 minutes. so i think that i broke a world record for getting ready for prom. i looked pretty hot, though... boy ended up being a little late, and, when i was waiting for him, i found out that he had been asked to prom before i did, and said no. that made me feel kind of special.

so then boy arrived...jesus, he looked so hot. ripped black pants, black leather trench coat, red scarf. eyeliner. possibly mascara, not too sure on that point. (under the trench & scarf was a black longsleeved western shirt and red tie). he came up to the door, and i almost peed my dress. he brought me a corsage!! i so was not expecting that.

so we drove to dinner, and that was rad...dinner was hell of awkward. there were, like 7 other people there, not of who i really hang out with much. i was sitting at one end of the table, and there were two guys on either side of me. that would be great, except for the fact that they spent a lot of time talking about facial hair...i was really nervous during dinner, and so was pretty quiet and drank a lot of water. on boy's suggestion i got this salad, and then we spilt a portabello mushroom flatbread thing. i couldn't eat all of my share (there was too much freaking food!), so boy had to finish it. i kind of loosened up by the end of dinner, but was still pretty nervous. at dinner, though, i found out that this was boy's first prom. omg! i'm the only girl who has ever gone to prom with boy. raaaaaad.

after dinner we drove to this girl's house (she wasn't there), and boy put on red lipstick. then we went to prom. prom. prom prom prom prom prom.

i had imagined prom being even more awkward than dinner...partly because i've seen boy dance, like, one time in my life. turns out he's a pretty good dancer. yeah, i danced with boy. several times. oh my god. it was soooo nice. there was a lot of dancing in a group kind of thing, especially at first. my friend, who also has a crush on boy, did a lot of dancing near to the boy, like she wanted to dance with him, but she never actually did. i did, though. jesus christ. it's hard to even write about it. we did a lot of kind of dancing together without actually touching, and then there was a little dancing while touching hands ness. yuck. there was this stupid girl, who has a boyfriend who kept dancing with boy. i swear, she danced more with my date than hers. what the hell. and then this other girl was hogging him, too. they were taking advantage of the fact that i got him to come.

one time (before the boy and i for-real danced), he was dancing with the first girl, so i did a revenge-dance with this other guy (who i'm kind of friends with). a revenge-dance is when you dance with another guy to get revenge on yer date who is dancing with another girl. and you hope that they notice. and care. unfortunately, they might not notice. also unfortunately, the person you're using might not realize that they are just a tool. so yeah...i don't really know if boy noticed, and for the rest of the night the other dude kept wanting to dance with me. what the hell.

then, finally, boy and i danced. like fer realz, touching....YEEEE OMFG!!! at that point i think he still had his shirt and tie on. it was hawt. it was kind of weird because i'm not used to dancing with dudes (that i like!) but i got used to it vair quickly! and that's good, because i did dance with boy more than once!! many times!! and he went from shirt and tie to shirt, to partially unbuttoned shirt, to fully unbuttoned shirt, to shirt off and bare torso with scarf criss-crossed over it.

i danced with boy quite a bit (when he wasn't being hogged). like close-danced. like really close. and i am not ashamed to say that i did let my hands wander...across that back...those shoulders...them arms...that chest...and his dee-liciously slim hips. it was niiiiiice. and dude... he hell of was holding me tight too.

it was funny, because when he was being hogged by the other people, he kind of, at least towards the end of the dance, was looking like he was a little sick of it. like, he would dance, but his heart didn't seem to be in it. he kept looking around. at me? i like to think so.

at the end of prom, he gave me, my friend who also has a crush on him, and my friend whose house we staying at a ride home...we got out, and said goodnight. i walked behind my friends to the door, and when i turned back to look at boy, he blew me a kiss. it was the sweetest thing. i blew one back and went inside. gol durn. when ever i think about that, or dancing with him, i get this stupid grin on my face. it just makes me so happy!! it kind of makes me wonder, though. if my friends weren't there, would he have kissed me fer real? probably not.

but anyways....i had the best prom night. i didn't need to stress out like i did. it'll be hard to go back to normal on monday...a.k.a. tomorrow. ugh. but whatever happens, however much we hardly talk again (which would be normal for us, i'll have my prom night stashed a way.

loving this live,

p.s. i was thinking that, if prom was heck of awkward and terrible, it might cure (or lessen) my boy obsession. but, if anything, it made me more in love with him. sigh.

p.p.s. i am so straight. or, if i'm queer, i really suck at it. no lady has ever made me feel like boy does...and i haven't even kissed him...yet.