domenica, gennaio 22, 2006

...orthodontics, schmorthodontics...

as you [probably] know, i was a brace face. i had braces for about 5 years, total [that's split between two rounds]. i loved it. braces are my friend. but they're off now, and i have a removable, conventional retainer [ricki] up top, and a four-tooth wire glued to the back of my bottom front teeth. well. had. that bottom wire randomly popped out in december. so i saved it, lost it, got a new one, and was told that they'd do that one for free, but if i lost it again it would cost $210. for an inch long wire. wtf? oh well, i didn't plan on it falling out again. but, in true "let's fuck up bee's life!" style, it did. on saturday, one end came up, but not the other. this evening, though, i was tired of the damn thing flapping around in my mouth so i pulled it out. now i have a gnarly chuck of cement stuck to my tooth. ah, c'est la vie. i guess i'll call the ortho and ask them what to do, but, jesus, i can't drive down there [2 hour each way] every week and a half [yep, that's how long the second one lasted] to have them glue it back in.

p.s. in case you were wondering, the wire is in a plastic baggy on my bulletin board. safe and sound.

watch this space for: "-sexual?" a hard hitting documentary about sex and the underground toothpaste culture.

...sleep is for the best of them...

i've been online for over six hours. straight. necessito una vida.

not that there's really that much to do aroun here between the hours of 11p and 4a on a saturday/sunday.

my only other option is sleep [which is starting to approach anyway] because myspace is being a royal pain and i'm too tired to make coherent sense on here. [and no, i couldn't make sense in homework, either. i'd probably make less.]

in other news, my ballet teacher has put me on pointe. more on that later.

in other news, i'm going to bed. goodnight.

...does not bode well...

so i realize that this is the first post since my triumphant 1 year anniversary post. nearly a month later. so i realize that it's the first post of the new year. so i realize that it's the 22 of january.

fuck you.

i've been going through a sort of hell [partly self-made, partly out of my control] for the past few months. as you know, the logic board on my ibook [which is basically my heart] died. so i sent it to apple, and they fixed it. [for a hearty fee]. it came back all nice and working, and i was overjoyed. three days later, the battery suddenly decides not to charge and computer dies again. did i mention this was the night before the big, all-encompassing history and literature portfolio was due? oh wait...heh heh, i already did. yeah.

basically, after that it came back "fixed", but not, which means that you really can't tell that they did anything to it, still has the exact same problem. so apple has it again, hopefully to actually fix it. i don't know what i'm going to do about a power cord, but my dad has a new, working one, so we'll see.

aside from that [and definately not helped by], school stuff has been escalating, major, and grades will be back on wednesday so i'll see how much i flunked. i'm going to try to figure things out with my hist/lit teachers, though. i don't know what's up with chem...i'll get the final back monday or so and see how i did. oh yeah, last week was finals week. isn't that grand? i got a 92% on my spanish final with 1 hour of sleep and no hours of studying outside of class. the snotty rich overachiever girl in my class got an 83%...respectable, passing, but she was freaking out. i had a little triumph dance all to myself.

as far as personal life goes, it's been pretty boring [overshadowed by the school and computer issues]...the "Boy Fight" [hereafter known as bf] is lately fairy friend winning points in the "getting to know him" category, me in the "random act of speech" category but promptly losing them for being deaf. we'll see what comes to pass.

it's 3.46 in the morning and i've been up since 8 yesterday morning, and i'm running out of steam. have a nice day, check out the archives, and post the new banner ad everywhere you can think of.

wishing she had freckles,
