domenica, agosto 07, 2005


Sono sull'aereo, er, nell'aereo volando por Minnesota. Sono seduto in un poltrone e bebo l'acqua in una bicciere plastico.

Okies, I'm stopping with the italian now. It's probably wicked miscongugated and incorrect anyhow. But yes, I'm on the plane to the Midwest, flying over massive amounts of farmland in squares, and yes, it does look rather quiltish, indeed. The plane ride should be over rather soon, methinks. Which is good, because I rather have to use the lavatory. I'm in the window seat (yay!), but that means that I'd have to climb over two people, one of whom is asleep (oh noes!) just to get to the icksicle aereo lavs. No, gracias. Oops, I meant grazie. Guh...this flight has been horrid boring...

We're descending now, the ground approaches. It is undeniably flat and there are far too many lakes. Ugh. Suburbia. Identical little suburbanites in their identical houses live identical lives. Pools glitter blue in backyards and it is the very image of the Midwestern Mediocrity that I hate and fear so much. We have not even landed but already I am screaming. I could never live here.

Soon enough we're at the airport, coasting above the runway, seemingly reluctant to touch down and end the flight. We are coming closer to the airstrip, and I am remembering how, when I was younger, I could anticipate the moment that we landed exactly. Three, two, we hit the ground as I say 'one'. I smile and my inner self tosses her hair. Still got it.

sabato, agosto 06, 2005

...midwest, oh my,,,

tomorrow i am leaving for the midwest. the midwest scares me. but hopefully i will be having fun, and speaking loads of italian.

i would tell you to read my archives to amuse yourselves in my absence, but for some reason they don't work. phoey.


mercoledì, agosto 03, 2005

...rad websites...

ticharu pointed us towards with promises of cartoon computer bashing. and there was multitudes! lots of blood and whatnot, all very exciting. and kind of fucked up. but that's okay!

another freakin' awesome site is have loads of tshirts and buttons (and stickers, but they aren't as cool) with crazy slogans and whatnot. i love a lot of the things they have and i think i shall buy some, if i ever come into some money (which is not dedicated to such necessary evils as replacing my ravaged power adapter). but you should check it out. c'est pretty dang neato.

martedì, agosto 02, 2005 ate what? 8.2...

because i wasn't home all day, i wasn't obsessively documenting everything i ate. so here's the overview:
2 hot dogs, with buns
1 carrot stick
some cashew chicken and fresh noodles
a piece of positively scrumptious lemon meringue pie.

lunedì, agosto 01, 2005

...vcr tshirt on threadless...

this is the first time i'm whoring a threadless tshirt on here, i don't know if i'll make a practice of it. but you should check out this shirt: Submission - Bratcore
it's for the band VCR, and it is flippin' hot. i heck of much want it to get printed, then i can make someone buy it for me... faire, tidbits...

okay, before i launch into a loving rant about the renaissance faire, i'd like to thank the people that read this. the fact that anyone would actually want to read my babbling just blows my mind. thank you thank you, and i hope you stick around!!


boy howdy, i do love renaissance faires. loads of people dressing up in outrageous costumes, speaking in funny tongues, drinking lots of beer, and carrying about swords? how could you not love it? this year i went with my girl scout troop (yes, that's right girl scout. hey, stranger things have happened.) and we all dressed up. it was mad lovely, even though my dress was a little small in the waist (without a corset!) and so i kept hearing random stitch pops all day.

the weather was quite warm, very different from last year, where we were all shivering in our sleevies. luckily, many of the stands were equipped with water-sprayers, and there were "colde drynkes" stands everywhere. the food was delicious, as always, see yaw 7.30 for more on that.

one of the highlights of the ren faire is, of course, the joust. this year we were on the english side, which made me very happy, because our knight was quite good looking. he looked like an older draco malfoy, with the slicked back blonde hair and whatnot. i'm not quite sure what the outcome of the joust was...i think that our knight got knocked off his horse, but then the victor attacked him whilst he was down, thus jeopardizing his win. they were going to joust "too the death" later but we had to leave before that, unfortunately.

the faire was lovely lovely and and i am very glad that we went.

on the drive back home we stopped at whole foods for dinner (i had cucumber and avocado sushi, which was nice and light compared to the heavier fare i consumed at the faire), and that was fun, partly because we were still wearing our costumes. i had wanted to go to a mall and eat at the food court, because then we could tromp through said mall in our costumes and have lots of regular, boring people see us (yay!) but i ended up being very happy with our dinner choice. (a) because i could have sushi, which is super-yum, and (b) because the checkout/bagger boys at whole foods where HOT! yay! (this is the part where i act quite teenage-girl ish. but that is okay because i am one!) there was one with an italian name, dyed hair, tight tight pants, a studded belt, white chucks, and a mildly emo look about him, and then there was the one with the nerdy name, and a kind of shy hotness. but they made me happy. yay! that's the third time i've said yay in this paragraph. i'm sorry. ate what? 8.1...

2 hot dogs w/ buns = 560 cal. (1:13pm, hr3, home)
hansen's cherry vanilla creme soda = 140 cal. (1:13pm, hr3, home)
2 sugar cubes = 30 cal. (3:00pm, hr3, home)
egg cream = 440 cal. (4:00pm, hr2, home)
sugar cubes = 15 cal. (6:33pm, hr2, home)
"le grand salad" = ? cal. (7:30pm, hr3, home)
1 cup 1% milk = 120 cal. (7:30pm, hr3, home)
bread and butter = ? cal. (7:30pm, hr3, home)

golly gee do i love hot dogs.
jeez...i'm not sure i should have discovered that we have sugar cubes. they're rather addictive.
they're talking about bread and diets on the radio right now. i want bread.