giovedì, febbraio 24, 2005


anarchie. anarchy. n: a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government) ( what a concept.

we've been seeing that a lot lately. i guess it's "in style" for all the pseudo-punks that now roam the malls of america. (and the world). but really, how many people who flash the A really know what it means?

Absence of any form of political authority. ( a country without government...what would america be like? would it resemble early (and current) post-invasion iraq and afghanistan? looting, violence....yes, a healthy dose of anarchy is good for the soul. in certain places. an anarchic society consisting of intelligent, mostly sane, peaceful (to a point) people could exist and thrive, i believe. but take a random grabbing of today's citizens, and it could quickly morph into something far more intense and insane.

i'd like to get into this deeper, but i'm tired, so it won't be the least bit intelligent. so i'll add more later. comments, please!


Blogger teenage faerie said...

cool! i ask for comments, and i get three! no matter they're exactly the same!! it's still grand!!

dublin, buddy ole pal, if you delete those, I"LL KILL YOU. just a friendly warning.

your friendly neighborhood (heh heh heh) stalker

9:15 PM  

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