giovedì, settembre 14, 2006

...hotel room floor...

i'm sitting on the floor in my hotel room and i'm leaving for the airport in 2 hours and 20 minutes and i can't believe it. i had to finish packing today and yesterday, it was hell on wheeled pink suitcases. my room looks like a bomb exploded in it and i'm scared of what my mother will do to it while i'm gone. i'm especially frightened for my magazines...they are dear to me, my vogues and allures and seventeens and cosmogirls and teen vogues...

i had to say goodbye to my friends to-day as well. what do you say to your dearest amigas, the ones who are closer than family, the ones you love so much it tears your heart to bits, when you won't see them for nine months? i hugged them goodbye and never wanted to let go. it was then that i got scared. scared shitless. terrified. not sure i want to go through with this but i don't have any choice. i'm here this is now go time t-minus no seconds.

so here i am. sitting on scratchy carpet with the suicidegirls in my earbuds, piratin' music and blogging my soul. i have to "wake up" in 50 minutes and then is va-va-voom 2 days of travel for little ol' me. including 9 hours in a heathrow devoid of free wifi. thank goodness i have copious amounts of dvds and an england adapter plug with me.

staring at the future and crying,
bee anenomE electric