domenica, gennaio 16, 2005


the films were fantastic. the first one was low-budget, but it was made in such a way that it didn't at all take away from the film itself. it was hilariously funny, and had the whole theater in stitches at several points. the filmmaker was there, and was able to answer questions afterwards, which was major-awesome. too bad i couldn't think of anything intelligent to ask.

after the first one brother and i got sandwiches for dinner. i ate half of mine before i got too full, so the brother ate it and i worked on my knitting.

the second film was a highly entertaining short, which had its fair share of laughs and interesting bits. the maker of that one was present as well, but, yet again, i didn't ask anything.

the third film was had a much higher budget than the other two, and you could definitely tell. it wasn't flashy, or anything, but it looked like a hollywood film. in german. i took great pleasure in spotting the reel-change indicators (as indicated by tyler in fight club). it was rather depressing, but of course, uplifting and inspirational by the end. i was in tears in the middle of it (not an unusual occurrence for me), but, unfortunately, had no tissues. so the hem of my pants yet again proved its worth.

all in all, a very great experience. sorry those were lame reviews, but it's after midnight. blech.