venerdì, luglio 29, 2005

...oh how i dearly love my parents...

ugh. i just got a horrid lecture from the parentals because i sent 21dm $15 for a tshirt and some other small merch to help them stay afloat. fifteen measley bucks. money i earned with that purpose in mind. i got yelled out for sending cash in the mail (like i've never done that before...i've gotten ripped off more times with money orders than with straight up cash), then for just spending money as soon as i got it. excuse me, don't talk like i am a mindless spender. i'm supporting something i love, excuse me i forgot that was a crime. and i've been saving nearly everything i've made anyway. so thurr. (side note: haha i said "thurr") but what's done is done and i super-can't wait for my hot as shit 21dm shirt.