domenica, gennaio 30, 2005

...clothes, death, and vacuum cleaner belts...

this is what i wore on friday: a red soccer jersey, long sleeved black tshirt, black skort thing, one black and white striped tight, and one red and black, and high-heeled black mary janes.

i came back to the main building after first period, and a couple of my friends were going outside, in the rain. so i pulled of my tights and shoes, and ran after them. we danced on the field, in the rain and then hail. it was gloriousness. my feet were bloody cold, and i knew my eyeliner and mascara were probably smeared, but i didn't care.

a little bit after we came back in, i walked to the store with boy, new boy, two other boys, and a girl. i didn't want to put back on my shoes and tights because my feet were still wet, so i went barefoot. new boy thought this was funny, and said that i was wearing invisible rain-boots. when you walk on asphalt with cold feet long enough it starts to feel like rubber.

a sign on the front of the door said "no shoes no service", but i figured, hell, i don't need service. i'm just along for the ride. so i went in anyway and the lady didn't say anything. new boy, other boy, and girl stayed outside for some reason, but boy, friend boy and i went in and bought the vacuum parts. mmm, boy's yummy.

on the way back, friend boy gave me a piggy back ride for a little bit. girl asked me if i didn't feel exposed, what with my skirt and all, but i told her that no, it had shorts under it. new boy started to lift up my skirt to see, and for one awful moment i thought that me shorts would magically disappear, and there my bumoley would be. but they didn't, and new boy said "haha i saw your shorts." i gasped "OH mY GOD MY LIFE IS OVER" and there was laughter.

i got a few complements on my outfit— a friend said that i looked like a dead soccer player (i took it as a compliment) and friend boy told me he loved my attire. i got the compliment i was waiting for, even though it came at the end of the day "your tights don't match" "yes, i know" "it looks good" "thanks". yep.

on another note, i went to lunch with the "exposed" girl, a friend, and another girl, and gathered this "boy and new boy are the two hottest guys in town, and they're best friends. and they wrestle! it's almost like porn. too bad that boy is too shy and new boy's an asshole." hmm.