giovedì, gennaio 13, 2005

...boys, boys, boys...

well, one boy. boy. girl (the other one, obviously) was sitting on boy's lap yesterday, however briefly. they aren't a very touchy-feely couple, which is damn good. saw boy again today...he's looking good. the mohawk has grown so it isn't quite as mohawk-y anymore. but really hot. when he runs his fingers through it (not in a "gawd i'm hot" way but a "urg this hair is in my way" way) i turn to hot butter inside. it's weird...when i see boy i get different feelings. sometimes it's that sparkily excited feeling, but sometimes (usually when boy and girl are together) it's more a dull ache, with a squished heart on the side. i just want girl to hurry up and go. i'll miss her, granted, but it would make my life easier. not that boy and i will get together immediately (or at all), but i can go about my stalking better if he isn't involved. i just hope they don't try to rock the long distance thing.