domenica, febbraio 20, 2005

...depressing movie ness...

it's ruther depressing to watch a movie (con parents) and rather like it, and have to listen to them bitching about how shitty it was and get up and leave.

i've been sick since wednesday, and by friday i was well enough to be really fucking bored just sitting around at home. now, usually my dad calls before he comes home for lunch. so, i devised a brilliant plan. when dad called, i'd ask him to get me one of three (3) movies at the video store. my choices were: Boys Don't Cry, Mean Girls, and New York Minute. i hadn't seen any of them, expected boys don't cry to be good, mean girls okay, and new york minute on the shit side of okay. but dad didn't call. *grumble grumble grumble* so, instead of being able to watch my movie in peace, i had to wait until my whole flipping family was there to fuck up my movie watching experience. i ended up with boys don't cry, which i loved. it was really good. i highly recommend it. its pretty sad. put me in a kinda depressed mood. but its all good. :D

just annoyed at the parents a bit.